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Policy Statement

NAHB supports voluntary sustainable, high performance new home construction and remodeling and provides resources and tools for its members that build sustainable home and communities.

Specifically, NAHB actively raises awareness for viable, credible, market-driven and voluntary green building initiatives at the federal level in both the legislative and regulatory arenas. It also assists state and local home building associations with advocacy efforts upon request.

In all of these endeavors, NAHB emphasizes that sustainable and high performance building must be voluntary. In particular, NAHB supports the cost-effective, consensus-based ICC/ASHRAE 700-2015 National Green Building Standard, developed by government, environmental and industry experts with a broad range of expertise and the only green rating system approved by the American National Standards Institute.

Why It Matters

Sustainability and high performance building are important to the home building industry, consumers and the nation because it promotes lower total ownership costs through utility savings and increased durability as well as an improved indoor living environment. It also encourages environmental awareness and stewardship and more efficient use of increasingly scarce resources and helps to conserve them for future generations.

Voluntary, above-code green programs provide builders and consumers with the flexibility that they need to construct homes that are sustainable, high performing, affordable, cost-effective and appropriate to the home’s geographic location.

The National Green Building Standard™ certification goes well beyond saying a home is energy efficient; it provides independent, third-party verification that a home, apartment building, or land development is designed and built to achieve high performance in six key areas: Site Design, Resource Efficiency, Water Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Indoor Environmental Quality, and Building Operation & Maintenance.

Testing Homes to the Highest Green Standards

We certify homes to the rigorous requirements of the National Green Building Standard™ (NGBS) – the only residential green building rating system approved by ANSI as an American National Standard. The NGBS provides practices for the design and construction of all types of green residential buildings, renovations, and land developments.

Our stringent third-party verified certification program ensures homes and apartments are built in compliance with the NGBS and focuses on three primary attributes that are highly marketable to today’s discerning consumers:

Healthy Homes

  • Providing fresh air ventilation that improves indoor air quality
  • Limiting pollutants and contaminants in the home
  • Preventing moisture problems that can contribute to mold and attract pests

Lower Operating Costs

  • Reducing utility costs through cost-effective energy and water efficiency practices
  • Controlling maintenance costs through durable construction and product selection
  • Providing technical and educational resources to ensure the home’s optimum performance

Sustainable Lifestyle

  • Promoting walkability
  • Reducing home maintenance through enhanced durability
  • Preserving natural resources through responsible land development practices

Giving Products Our Green Approval

We not only certify green homes and developments – we also pre-approve products that are eligible for points toward certification of those projects. Products that carry the Home Innovation NGBS Green Certified mark have been submitted by their manufacturers for evaluation and approval of point-worthiness for specific criteria within the NGBS. When installed properly and in the right quantity or manner specified by Home Innovation Labs, NGBS Green Certified Products make the verification and certification process more straightforward and streamlined for builders, remodelers, and accredited green verifiers.

High Performance Building Council

The High Performance Building Council of the Triangle (formerly the Green Home Builders of the Triangle) is a joint program of the HBA of Durham, Orange and Chatham Counties and the HBA of Raleigh-Wake County.

Our green building program was launched in 2006 with the primary purpose of promoting building techniques and materials that produce homes which consume less energy and other resources, facilitate better indoor air quality, and provide a more durable product requiring less maintenance.

ENERGY STAR partners agree to measure, track, and benchmark energy performance; develop and implement a plan to improve energy performance, adopting the ENERGY STAR strategy; and educate staff and the public about their partnership and achievements with ENERGY STAR.

Tag Archive for: Kitchen